Monday, July 27, 2009


If you are feeling financial fear and worry, here are 7 effective steps you can take to change how you feel (and what you create and attract):

1) Admit to yourself that you are feeling afraid. It's okay to feel that way, even if you are an avid positive thinker or believe in the Law of Attraction. Denying a feeling does not eliminate it, it only buries it. Then say "And even though I have fear, I am totally going to get through this."
2) Face it, Americans are not good at rolling over and giving up. We have come from a long legacy of not just survivors, but "thrivers". Think of people trekking across unchartered America for the gold rush, immigrants on Ellis Island, the Special Olympics, and Sept 11. We can do this and we will.

3) Get really creative like your life depended upon it. Even in hard times there are people who are financially and emotionally healthy. You can choose to be one of the stories about thrivers. Get really ingenious about your life and work. Think outside the box about new ways to make yourself useful to people. Rethink what you used to sell and focus on what people need now.

4) Be realistic about what is really at stake for you. Before you go into a panic about what will happen about money, take stock in what you might lose and actually look at your budget. Not having as much disposable income may be uncomfortable but is not life threatening. If your job or house is actually at stake, control anxiety by assuring yourself of what safety nets do exist if you "fall". Ask "If my worst case scenario happens, what would I do and could I still survive?" Many times the answer is yes.

5) Wake up to your spirituality and your ability to co-create what you want. Quit letting fear call the shots and start learn to take control of your thoughts. Rush Limbaugh recently said he is "choosing not participate in the recession" and just signed a 34 mil/year contract. Seriously, is Rush Limbaugh actually superior to you or is he simply creating what he believes he can create? When you feel the money worry, calm yourself by affirming: "I choose to participate in abundance and I happily accept new opportunities to have more money in my life".
6) If you're losing your hair, you can be mad that you are going bald or happy that you have a head. Your reality is simply based on how you frame it. So if you have lost your job, it makes sense to be upset. But then, to get the "thriver" in you to kick in, look for other ways to view it, like "I actually wanted to find a new career path and I am happy to pursue new avenues". Perhaps this "crisis" is how our lives and world are re-balancing. One client told me she makes her coffee at home and puts it into her Dunkin Donuts cup. This tiny gesture is not only saving her money but is also saving tons of thrown away Styrofoam cups.

7) Ask not what the world can do for you but what you can do for the world. I am willing to guarantee (and am happy to make a bet with you) that volunteering your time and energy will make you feel less worry, and likely will attract more abundance to you. Go help other people in any way that will light you up. Don't have enough time to volunteer? Collect all the minutes you waste worrying and contribute them to the greater good.

Bonus) Look to nature for your answers. Go for a simple walk, hike, or down to the water. Immersing yourself in the beauty of nature is the easiest and cheapest cure all for worry and helps you connect with new, creative ideas.

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